Eitch Consulting

Providing top-quality Linux and Infrastructure services

Cloud computing, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), configuration management, CI/CD workflows, container orchestration, web applications infrastructure, databases, system troubleshooting, you name it - we can deal with it.

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From the tech blog

Some insights into infrastructure and automation technical content and tutorials.

Example of an OAuth2 flow (Authorization Code Grant)

Single sign-on is a must nowadays. Very few people have the patience to login into a thousand different sites with different logins and passwords. For example, if you are a company with many different applications, you will definitively gain praise for implementing a single sign-on for all of them. That said, we'll now describe an example of an OAuth2 flow. Development and Infrastructure people should understand it.

4 min read
ACME SSL certificates on terraform

While automating your infrastructure, keeping SSL certificates updated is important and sometimes overlooked (since I do this one time per year, why automate?), and can lead to some bad scenarios. Automating the renew of them can give us peace of mind, so let's do this with the ACME protocol and terraform.

7 min read
Creating a Ubuntu template on Proxmox

This is a quick tutorial on creating a Ubuntu template on Proxmox, using the command line shell instead of the interface. The template will contain the proxmox agent and cloud-init, alongside a ssh public key to access the server after the template is provisioned.

3 min read