Current hourly rate: US$65 to US$75
We charge per hour of work (and we usually work faster than the average person on the market ;), but not without any control. We usually work with these two types of contracts:
Individual projects
This suits the need for a specific project (implementing a product or goal).
Before any charges, we meet with the customer team and gather requirements about the project and what is more important to do. We could also plan to do multiple projects instead of a big one.
Based on this initial meeting, we prepare a technical project with everything we’ll do, planned, with details, schedule and how much it would cost in terms of hours.
If the deal is accepted and signed, we begin working and invoices will be sent per description and schedule of the project. We usually send an invoice in the middle of the project (after some steps are done) and another on the end.
Consulting hours
This suits the need for advanced consulting about problems that occurs, and also monthly maintenance of projects that were already implemented. Usually, customers contract some minimal hours a month (i.e. 20h) to get support, hands-on work on maintenance, backups, workarounds and minor implementations.
We meet with the customer to determine which “fields” will be supported. Examples: Infrastructure as Code integration with github, a deployment of kubernetes, GKE, EKS or OpenShift, generation of containers and/or helm files, maintenance of an application made with PHP or Python (infrastructure, not code), and so on.
We make a contract stipulating minimum hours per month to be worked. There’s no specific items needed to be done in this contract, but it specifies how we can support the customer.
Based on the “fields” that are supported, we’ll work these minimum hours to do anything the customer wants.
We send bi-monthly spreadsheets with details on how many hours were worked and where, along with the invoice. Payments should be done in at most 5 business days after the invoice is sent.
Any doubts?
Have any questions or doubts? Want to know us before commiting to anything? Contact us and we’ll schedule a remote meeting with you.