
ACME SSL certificates on terraform

While automating your infrastructure, keeping SSL certificates updated is important and sometimes overlooked (since I do this one time per year, why automate?), and can lead to some bad scenarios. Automating the renew of them can give us peace of mind, so let's do this with the ACME protocol and terraform.

7 min read
Local usage of Chef with knife-zero

Sometimes you don't need or want a dedicated server for configuration management with Chef, and this is completely possible, you can use a knife plugin called `knife-zero` to simulate a local server with chef local mode and work everything within a repository.

8 min read
Ansible - Looping blocks

I needed to do a loop inside a block in Ansible, but I could not do it - it was forbidden to use inside the block. The solution was to use `include_tasks` to mimic the block in another file.

2 min read